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Dual Heat Block

Swiss-made 3D printing hot-end

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Swiss3Dc hot-ends Fits many 3D printers. 

Same height, more heat !

Easy drop-in replacement

Configure you​​r DHB​​

Best thermal performance

Pre-made kits

Our most standard configurations, ready for you, including the DHB hot-end, heat-sink and connectors.


Customizable kits

Choose the output diameter, the nozzle length, the nozzle material and much more...


Light weight - Speed printing

Dual Heat Block

Preconfigured kits

Our most common configurations, including heat sink, hot-end and connectors.

Customizable kits

Choose every aspect of your Swiss3Dc kit, including height, diameter and more.

We are thrilled to offer all kits at unbeatable prices, empowering you with a strategic advantage that maximizes your savings with high quality Swiss products.

Explore compatible brands for drop-in replacement

Free shipping over 180.-CHF code: Free_Shipping_180+

Elevate your 3D printing experience with the Starlex DHB Hot-end, designed for the same Nozzle Height and available as a convenient Drop In Replacement.